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Hello, Natalie Taylor Energy Healing here

Does your pet need an animal energy healing session?

If you answer yes to any of the below, then your pet could definitely benefit from an animal energy healing session:

  • Is your pet not their usual selves?

  • Have they lost their sparkle?

  • Are they doing concerning behaviours?

  • You know something is wrong but can’t put your finger on it

  • Have you tried traditional methods and not had any success?

  • Are you lying awake at night worrying about your pet?

  • And you just want them to get back to their usual, bright eyed selves?

How to know when your pet is off balance and in need of healing

Here is how I could help you…

With the animal energy healing sessions I can identify the issue. Using energy healing techniques including reiki, kinesiology, and animal communication allows me to tune into your pet and pick up the reason your pet is acting off. Once I uncover the heart of the matter, I am able to assist your pet to return back to balance by helping them release the energetic block which is often the cause of the above issues and help them regain their bright eyed, sparkly selves.

What does a happy pet look like?

Some examples of this are listed below and will be similar for a lot of animals. 

  • Cat: Bright eyes, relaxed, purring, rolling on their back, healthy appetite, shiny coat, happy in their environment, restful and relaxed.

  • Dog: calm, soft eyes, wagging tail, shiny coat, healthy appetite, happy in their environment, restful and relaxed.


When a pet has taken on environmental stress (and would benefit from animal energy healing)

If a pet has taken on environmental stress, here are some symptoms they may show:

  • be clingy or very needy and follow you around everywhere

  • appear agitated, have behavioural issues, wide eyes, can’t relax

  • for dogs they may be barking a lot

  • for cats, fighting with other pets or spraying in the house

  • physical skin conditions, tummy issues or sore body part and or hair loss

  • they may have lost their sparkle, appear depressed, lethargic or shut down

  • they may also have a reduced appetite or overeating, overgrooming, acting out of character

If any of the above resonates with you, and you would like my help, you can book an animal energy healing session by clicking the button below and selecting the desired service and following the prompts. 

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, I just love helping animals and their pet parents feel better and get back to their healthy and vibrant selves!​​

happy man and sparkly and bright eyed cat
Happy woman and happy dog


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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