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Pastel Gradient

what does a session involve?

Energy healing sessions

When conducting healing sessions, I work with you or your pets' energy body using various energy healing techniques to help you release whatever is causing stress. Sessions involve creating a safe space for you to release the blocks. As a trained energy healer I assist you to transmute energy. Some examples of this are balancing meridians, chakras, releasing karma bonds, past life contracts, ancestral ties, cord cutting, letting go, reike and many more! I am very intuitive and can get to the point of the matter. A session will normally begin with a debrief and the current themes that are occuring for you, anything that you have been thinking about or is causing you stress, then we assess, identify the stress and I will help you release it. The session requires your input with questions I ask also. You might think it is weird that I can do this - but just like a physiotherapist learns techniques to help you release tight muscles and strengthen them, I have been trained in techniques to help identify and release stress, pain, energetic and emotional blockages.


You can expect to gain clarity around stressers, feel calmer and more at peace as you are brought back to balance. This could involve pain releasing from the body (we store emotions in our body and they get stuck as pain) or just feeling better and more confident in yourself.


As your vibration is raised with the above techniques, it will positively effect your relationships (self and others) and your life, such as more abundance, healthier relationships, improvements in business, career, work and better emotional awareness and regulation - ie able to stay calmer and get less stressed etc.


Pastel Gradient

Some common FAQ about healing sessions

What exactly is "unstuck" energy healing, and how does it work?

Unstuck energy healing sessions are my personal healing approach that aims to identify and release the root causes of stress and energetic blockages. It involves a combination of various techniques like meridians, chakras, past life exploration, and more to facilitate energy healing and transmutation of blocked energy.


How does peeling back the layers of the onion relate to energy healing?

Peeling back the layers of the onion is a metaphor for the process of uncovering and addressing the underlying issues that contribute to stress and energetic imbalances. In our sessions, we progressively delve deeper into these layers to promote lasting energy healing.


What can I expect to achieve through these sessions?

By the end of these sessions, most people experience a heightened sense of calm and peace. You will gain a thorough understanding of the root causes of your stress and energetic imbalances. Additionally, you'll undergo energy healing using various methods tailored to your needs. The comment I mainly get is, "I feel lighter".


How are these sessions conducted? Are they in-person or online?

These sessions are conducted online via Zoom for your convenience. You can join from the comfort of your own space, making it accessible no matter where you are located.


What unique healing methods do you incorporate in these sessions?

I utilise a variety of holistic energy healing techniques, including working with meridians, chakras, energy balancing, exploring karmic ties and past lives, cord cutting, angelic guidance, card reading, and Reiki. These methods are personalised to address your specific needs and challenges.


Is this suitable for beginners or those new to energy healing?Absolutely! These sessions are open to individuals of all levels of experience. Whether you're new to energy healing or have some prior knowledge, I will guide you through the process and tailor the sessions to your level of comfort and understanding. The only requirement is that you are willing.


How can I book a session, and what is the cost?

You can book a session by contacting me directly through the bookings online page. The cost will depend on the package you choose, and I offer a range of options to suit different budgets.




Is it possible to address specific issues or goals in these sessions?

Yes, the unstuck single one on one energy healing sessions can be customised to focus on specific issues or goals you may have, such as stress management, emotional healing, or spiritual growth. We will discuss your objectives during our initial consultation. For the group energy healings these will delve into group collective issues. As we are all connected it will stress that is coming up for you too.


What should I do to prepare for a session, and do I need any special equipment or materials?


To prepare for the session, make sure you are in a quiet spot where you will not be interrupted, where you can get comfortable. Having water is a must and a pen and paper to note anything down is also recommended. 


As a General Health Service Provider I abide by the National Code of Conduct for Health care workers

These codes are legally binding on health care workers in Victoria.

You can find information on the code of conduct here and what to do if you have a complaint, at 


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